Date: October 30, 2017
Location: Athens, Greece
Subject: Nostalgia, Berlin vibes
Ada and I, supporting one another in battle, are up before sunrise, skipping over breakfast and arming ourselves with caffeine before journeying between doctor's offices, clinics, and hospitals. There is no point A to B to C here. One must start at D, run to Z before beginning at A.

Ada and I arrived an hour early for her doctor's appointment. Ada has an instinct for discovery, and this morning a particular café caught her eye. As we sat down, classical music from a radio station in Berlin blared. We looked at each other with narrowed eyes and half-smiles. An echo of nostalgia through our blood – visiting a time we used to be - rebellious explores of the world. Walking unafraid through the drumbeats of protest, the sudden blast of Molotov's, while stepping gently over the rubble of chaos. Though we don’t believe in destruction and only want peace; we agree anarchy is pointless, we still had to channel that addictive surge of adrenaline somewhere. In the only way we knew how – she danced the world on her ballerina feet. I wrote millions of words.
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